Farmers who have suffered damage to their crops or livestock, face a number of difficulties at the stage of insurance settlement. According to statistics of the Insurance Ombudsman Office, nearly 70% of complaints filed against insurance companies in 2010-2012 concerned the compensation refusal, and another 30% - reduction of paid compensation. Common practice is also lack of quick reaction, prolonged claim processing or flawed interpretation of the regulations.
At Salvum, we take care that, in case of any unexpected circumstances, you receive the full compensation from your insurance policy. We will help you in case of damage to crops, buildings or agricultural machinery as well as in case of work accident.
The agricultural damages are settled:
Our expert will contact you
Salvum Odszkodowania
+48 731 31 31 31
Konecka 41
97-330 Sulejów
NIP: 771-265-70-71